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After the Deluge Poland-Lithuania and the Second Northern War, 1655-1660 by Frost, Robert I., Elliott, ... ISBN: 9780521420082 List Price: $104.00
Spanish Naval Power, 1589-1665 Reconstruction and Defeat by Goodman, David, Elliott, Jo... ISBN: 9780521522571 List Price: $48.00
Other Prussia Royal Prussia, Poland and Liberty, 1569-1772 by Friedrich, Karin, Elliott, ... ISBN: 9780521583350 List Price: $105.00
Defiled Trades and Social Outcasts Honor and Ritual Pollution in Early Modern Germany by Stuart, Kathy, Elliott, Joh... ISBN: 9780521652391 List Price: $126.00
Richelieu's Army War, Government and Society in France, 1624-1642 by Parrott, David, Elliott, Jo... ISBN: 9780521792097 List Price: $142.00
Rome in the Age of Enlightenment The Post-Tridentine Syndrome and the Ancien Regime by Gross, Hanns, Elliott, John... ISBN: 9780521893787 List Price: $56.00
Poor of Eighteenth-Century France, 1750-1789 by Hufton, Olwen H. ISBN: 9780198225195
The State, War and Peace: Spanish Political Thought in the Renaissance 1516-1559 (Cambridge ... by Fernández-Santamaria, J. A.... ISBN: 9780521214384 List Price: $59.95
Noble Power During the French Wars of Religion The Guise Affinity And the Catholic Cause in ... by Carroll, Stuart, Elliott, J... ISBN: 9780521023870 List Price: $61.00
Altopascio A Study in tuscan Rural Society, 1587-1784 by McArdle, Frank, Elliott, Jo... ISBN: 9780521023078 List Price: $51.00
Henry IV And the Towns The Pursuit of Legitimacy in French Urban Society, 15891610 by Finley-Croswhite, S. Annett... ISBN: 9780521025072 List Price: $51.00
Reformation of Community Social Welfare And Calvinist Charity in Holland, 15721620 by Parker, Charles H., Elliott... ISBN: 9780521025409 List Price: $53.00
Europe: Privilege and Protest, 1730-1789 by Hufton, Olwen H. ISBN: 9780801492082 List Price: $7.95
Prospect Before Her A History of a Women in Western Europe 1500-1800 by Hufton, Olwen ISBN: 9780679450306 List Price: $40.00
Continuity of Feudal Power The Caracciolo Di Brienza in Spanish Naples by Astarita, Tommaso, Elliott,... ISBN: 9780521893169 List Price: $42.00
Armada of Flanders Spanish Maritime Policy and European War, 1568-1668 by Stradling, R. A., Elliott, ... ISBN: 9780521405348 List Price: $116.00
State and Nobility in Early Modern Germany The Knightly Feud in Franconia, 1440-1567 by Zmora, Hillay, Elliott, Joh... ISBN: 9780521561792 List Price: $105.00
Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip Iii, 1598-1621 by Feros, Antonio, Elliott, Jo... ISBN: 9780521561136 List Price: $126.00
Labour, Science and Technology in France 1500-1620 by Heller, Henry, Elliott, Joh... ISBN: 9780521893800 List Price: $50.00
Lille and the Dutch Revolt Urban Stability in an Era of Revolution, 1500-1582 by DuPlessis, Robert S., Ellio... ISBN: 9780521894173 List Price: $61.00
Bayeux in the Late Eighteenth Century by Hufton, Olwen H. ISBN: 9780198214625 List Price: $45.00
Chronicle into History by Green, Louis, Elliott, John... ISBN: 9780521085175 List Price: $32.50
Frontiers of Heresy The Spanish Inquisition from the Basque Lands to Sicily by Monter, E. William, Elliott... ISBN: 9780521522595 List Price: $61.00
Duke of Anjou and the Politique Struggle During the Wars of Religion by Holt, Mack P., Elliott, Joh... ISBN: 9780521892780 List Price: $53.00
Europe Privilege and Protest, 1730-1789 by Hufton, Olwen ISBN: 9780631215134 List Price: $129.95
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